Umbertide, Santa Croce Museum

Santa Croce church dates back to the 14th century and hosts the local museum. Upon the main altar is the Deposizione by Luca Signorelli, painted in 1516. This is the only masterpiece of the artist from Cortona which is still housed in its original place. The same is true for the side altars’ paintings. The Deposizione was commissioned by the Santa Croce confraternita at the beginning of 1516 and ended in july of the same year. Date is on the right part of the original frame which from 1611-12 is part of a larger one. The scene in inserted in a larger illustration of the key moments of the Passion. The museum also houses other works from the nearby San Francesco church, among them the canvas depicting the Madonna with baby in glory by Niccolò Circignani known as Pomarancio.
An important archeological section is also present: Greek and roman pottery which witnesses the past local history, coins dating back to IV -V AD century, as well as bronze statues from VI — V century BC

